Tarif et dates limites
Les autres informations
The Judo Ontario Kata Committee is hosting an open mat kata practice session.
• No formal instruction will be provided during this session.
• This is an excellent opportunity for kata teams to practice and demonstrate their Kodokan kata in front of qualified judges and experienced competitors and receive helpful feedback for improvement.
• This introductory session is being held free of charge with a generous donation of mat space from the Kawasaki Rendokan Judo Academy.
Where: Kawasaki Rendokan Judo Academy, 45 Hempstead Dr, Hamilton, ON
Time: 2:00 - 4:00pm
Cost: Free to current Judo Ontario members (Trackie registration required)
Bring your own partner
White judogis only
Limit of 20 participants
Please contact Malgorzata Lampman at [email protected]